Changing Gears Quilt Show and Sale
300@1-First Place (300-020)
300@1-First Place (300-020): 'St. Francis' by Niki Vick
"St. Francis" 
By Niki Vick
  • Size: 27" W x 57" L
  • Entry #300-020, Appliqué Quilt, Large and Small Category
  • First Place in Appliqué Quilt, Large and Small Category
This quilt was adapted from a stained glass window in the Ollie Steele Burden Chapel in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. The Chapel was once part of a convent. The window was designed and created by Stephen Wilson in 1991. My quilt is created from all hand-dyed fabrics, including the black background. The pieces are hand appliqued onto the background fabric leaving "gaps" which constitute the leading - rather than applying the leading as strips onto the top of the pieces as in traditional stained glass quilt designs. The window is actually rounded at the top, as is the quilt; the points that appear around the edge of the quilt were not a part of the window but were applied as part of a design element. I have always been fascinated by St. Francis. When I was in Italy in 2008, I took a number of photographs of various renditions of St. Francis who is the patron saint of Italy. I printed a number of these on fabric and they appear on the back of the quilt.
Hand Appliqué, Machine Piecing, Machine Quilting
Design Source
Original Design, Other Design Source (Stained glass window of the Ollie Steele Burden Chapel, Baton Rouge, LA. Window designed and create)

Austin Area Quilt Guild